Monday, July 6, 2009

5:01 and counting

So today is the first day back in the office after what most people might refer to as "the long weekend." I'm sad to say that my place of work didn't give us any sort of "holiday" time for the July 4th weekend. Call me greedy - but time off is like giving me gold. Especially during the summer when all i can do is sit here and look out my office window longingly at the parking wait....the beautiful sun beckoning me to "Come outside and play."

It's honestly not my fault that when i do go outside i'm instantly hot and have to go inside instead. But still. Being inside and NOT at work is much better than inside and at work. Either way - i have a window.

So now its just a tid bit after 5 and as i watch all my friends log off their AIMs I settle in for the longest part of the day...the last 30 minutes. It's that time period where i don't want to start anything new because well...let's face it, i'm totally useless at this point in the day. And starting new is also just wasting time - albiet probably more of a waste of my time than anything else. I'm sure the company wouldn't agree with me on that one. But i know myself pretty well - and believe me, training me to do work related things after 5pm is like trying to reprogram your automatic a/c unit at home. Impossible.

So i figure i'll blog for a few minutes and feel like i did the best thing i could do with my given situation.

The weekend recap was pretty good.

Lunch with my bf after my work out. Granted, i found some piece of hair in my salad so i didn't finish it.

After that we did our grocery shopping as he had the evening off which was nice and then we actually had DATE nite. We went to a nice italian restaurant that we love and had an appetizer and a bottle of wine. Yum!

Unfortunately I ate a form of pork (i never eat pork) and it made me a little sickly. Oh well, it was delicious for a few moments at least. :)

Next - a few drinks with our friends on their new deck. Nice way to end the nite!

On Saturday morning - we went out to our fav little place for breakfast and i finally decided to order the blueberry pancakes. I always want the blueberry pancakes but when they tell me their specials i get this feeling of "I HAVE to order the special - they may never have it again" but this time i was committed to the pancakes. TOTALLY worth it.

We then wasted a lot of time which is unusual for us with our typical nonstop weekend plans. We managed to spend a combined $75 at target at what should have been a quick trip in to get deoderant and chap stick. Target is like a black hole for me. When i walk in I almost never make it out alive. Or with any of the cash i had going in.

We debated a movie - enough to actually walk in to the theatre and then feel totally ambivalent about all the options and walked out. After this i lose track of time for a bit. But at some point we met up with our friends for a July 4th cookout and fireworks (by RJ mind you).

After a near close encounter with explosives - we have decided that next year we'll stick with the pop rockets and sparklers and leave the big guns for the experienced (this story involves me diving onto the porch for those of you who wish to ask later).

Sunday was sleeping in super late, eating mexcian (a weekend ritual), and cooking all our meals. Also the last weekend of total debauchery. 30 day challenge starts today!

Overall - fun weekend. And i have vacation days this week! WOOT!

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