Monday, August 31, 2009

The Weaker Muscle

Despite not feeling super inspired to blog all the time, i'm still trying to force my creative hand.

I was thinking about how i used to write pages upon pages every day. I'm sure if i dug into that old worn cardboard box that is taped shut (for good reason) i'd probably be overwhelmed by the teenage angst that seeps from the pages. It used to help me so much to write everything out - and sometimes i feel like i used up all those creative juices early on and have been kind of running on empty since college.

I just started another good book - one that has potential to turn me on to a new author, which is something that doesn't happen very often. As i read books like this, it makes me miss writing. Makes me miss the act of entertaining someone with thoughtful or funny stories. And i feel inspired for like 10 seconds and usually that isn't enough time to get my slower than a snail computer to turn on in order for me to type while i'm still feeling that energy running through my blood.

I know - I should just take a journal with me and that way i always have it nearby to write in. Technology does stifle us sometimes i guess. But i've gotten out of the habit of writing with pen and paper. I probably type about 5 times as fast as i can write - so it just seems to take so long to write it down (literally).

And after typing that - i feel pretty lazy. lol

Either way - few of us strike gold upon first efforts and I keep on telling myself that if i just keep on plugging away, it'll come back to me. I gotta believe...

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been on here in quite a while...

    It sounds like you're enjoying Neil Gaiman. I'm glad you finally gave in. :)
