Thursday, February 12, 2009

Confessions of a LOST Soul

I have to admit something to you. You being the random internet blog surfer that has somehow miraculously stumbled across my blog.

I am completely obsessed with LOST. Every Wednesday - wherever i am around 8:30pm, I start to get anxious. I get anxious about my ability to get home before 9pm so that i can remember which channel LOST comes on (I don't know why I can't remember every time) so i can be there the moment that it starts. Because if you are a fellow LOST fanatic, you know how missing 2 minutes of the show could mean even more frustrating confusion than you were already prepared for.

So yesterday, I pulled my third 12 hour day at work. I had a workshop that i was presenting around 7pm, so by the time i finished, packed up and trudged to my car, damned cookie in hand from the leftovers of the workshop, i was checking my watch anxiously trying to calculate how quickly i could drive home without getting pulled over by the cops on the interstate.

Fortunately, I made it back to my apartment with a few moments to spare. This is course was spent in front of my tv watching the last bit of LOST from the week before with the little captions at the bottom that help clue us viewers in on all the things we most likely missed or weren't smart enough to put together on our own. Secretly, I am thankful for those captions.

I literally sit on the edge of my chair the entire hour - aside from the commercials that come way too often and leave me overly stressed about trying to put away my laundry or use the restroom during the short break and accidentally missing a bit of the show. Ridiculous? I know this. I told you at the beginning of all this - this is my CONFESSION.

I am relieved to say I am not alone. My best friend since childhood who lives a few states away is also obsessed. We send each other hesitant text messages through out the show. The first one is (and most ALWAYS be) "are you watching real time?" Because a reaction text to a part of the show one of us hasn't gotten to yet could be devastating. Once we've established we are indeed watching the same moments of the show together, we then send texts that are nothing more than "reaction" texts.

Last night's text dialogue:
"Are you watching real time?"
"Yes - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
"I know right?"
"This is crazy."
"So frustrating."
"Charlotte is freaky."
"Yah - they do a good job of that."
"I mean - WTF?"
"For real - why do we like this show?"
"We are gluttons for pain."
"Don't forget to read the Post tomorrow so we can figure out what the hell all this means."

It is the best thing about my Wednesday evenings. If that makes me crazy - I'll accept it. Judger.

1 comment:

  1. If you're crazy, I don't want to be sane!! This is that best friend, by the way. And click on my link for my blog...exciting? Nah. But it's something.
