Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Journey - Month 1

I've been blogging more on facebook recently - so i thought i'd post it here too. This was my first entry....

Friday, January 29, 2010 at 9:23am

So - i started this journey way longer than a month ago - i feel like it's been a life time of working at it, and not working at it and then having to work harder due to my lack of motivation. But i figure that updating the world once in awhile might keep me on track - and maybe inspire others to do something about their situations as well.

For as long as i can remember I've wanted to lose weight. But in my adult life - i started understanding that it wasn't about being skinny - what i wanted was something bigger than that. I wanted to be fit.

There have been lots of ups and downs on this road. But i've really gotten back on track in 2010 and i'm feeling good about it. I've almost lost 25 pounds since i started "sort of" trying over the last year. As time progressed, I found myself in love with one workout in particular - Turbo Kick. So in love, that i actually went through the training to become a certified turbo kick instructor.

I think that was the first "real" decision i had made in a long time that would have a positive impact on my "be fit" goal. Now i'm team teaching a Turbo Kick class every Thursday - and it makes me butterflies in my stomach nervous, anxious, excited and pumped up all at the same time. It's something TOTALLY out of my comfort zone. But someone once told me that you can't really ever expect to grow unless you move out of your comfort zone and try something new. So here I am.

Honestly, I'm not where I need to be yet. I know that - but the word that always comes back up for me is "Journey" and this one is mine to travel, wherever it may take me. And i'm trying to hold on tight as I keep going - some weeks are victories and others I feel defeated. But i just have to keep moving because what happens when you just stay put? You get left behind.

So in this first month of 2010 - I've lost about 5 pounds so far. And i'm 6 away from my first goal. Don't be fooled - i have more goals beyond the first one. I like to break it down into more reachable goals - so i don't feel overwhelmed.

My Suggestions from the Journey so far:
1. If you have a goal - I'd recommend breaking it down into more "do-able" segments as well.
So if you have 50 pounds to lose - set your first goal as 10 pounds. And then when you get there,
have another goal of 10 pounds, etc. This will keep your confidence up!

2. Spend time searching for what one of my inspiring fitness gurus, Chalene Johnson, calls your "soul mate workout." If you don't love what you do - how will you ever keep it up? The journey is going to be tough enough without hating every step of the way.

Maybe i'll have some other inspiring tips along the way. But for now - I'm just gonna keep on moving!

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